So like I said before the way you wrap a gift is CRUCIAL! It is a physical representation of yourself. It can be simple to elaborate but however you complete the wrapping part it MUST be well crafted and must be clean.

Some helpful tips for wrapping the best gift ever!
1. If you have an awkward shaped gift such as a pair of headphones in those annoying plastic packages. You have one really really skinny side and a really really fat side. PUT IT IN A BOX! You can go to The Container Store and buy, for relatively cheap, a great box. Make sure that it's the right size too.
2. Don't over do it on the wrapping paper. If you use too much then you use too much tape which makes the gift look messy and rushed. Cut just enough wrapping paper to cover the gift.
3. Don't use too much tape. When you first stretch that bit of paper over just ONE piece of tape will do.
4. Work on a hard surface. Don't wrap on the bed or carpet. It just doesn't work.
5. Use quality wrapping paper. Cheap wrapping paper tears easier and makes it harder to make clean lines. The Paper Source (one of my absolute favorite store) has gorgeous paper as well as, sometimes Target has good stuff but be careful their paper is kinda thin and flimsy, Martha Stewart! (one of my idols), The Container Store.
6. Make sure that the cut edges of the wrapping paper is straight. You can line up the box with the edge. Once you have cut the paper fold over the edge so that you have clean lines. Do this with all the edges.
7. Elaborate with some gorgeous ribbon, raffia, or interesting fabric or lace. If you don't want to use ribbon, it better be some damn good looking wrapping paper with a hugely bold pint. Be creative when choosing ribbon. Having a stash of assorted colors and sizes of ribbon, especially the staple, grosgrain ribbon is an absolute essential. For god sakes...don't use cheapo christmas ribbon! (The kind you can curl unless you have taken that ribbon to a whole new level)

This is a serious NO NO! (unless stated above)
8. Your gift tag is just as important as the ribbon and paper you use. This should match the entirety of the gift and not overwhelm the gift. Again, I love these tags from Paper Source!

I will post a video on How to Wrap the Perfect Gift very soon. This should be a good one.